Imprint / Impressum
M2-Instruments GmbH
Schwartzkopffstraße 1
15745 Wildau
Phone: +49 (0) 3375 9212989
E-Mail: Email address obfuscated. Please activate Javascript.
Geschäftsführer: Mario Nitzsche
Technische Realisierung: digital
No warranty
M2-Instruments uses every effort regarding the information contained on our website and reserves the right to change, update, supplement or delete it at any time without prior notice. M2-Instruments makes no representations or warranties of any kind, neither express nor implied, as to the information, specifically not for the completeness, correctness, fitness or non-infringement of laws or rights of third parties. We assume no liability for damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from the use of our website or information contained therein, except in case of wilful misconduct on our part.
Our website may contain links to third party websites. Such links are provided only for the sake of convenience, as service for visitors of our website. We have no influence on or control over the contents of such third party websites, we do not identify us with their contents and do not recommend or support their use. M2-Instruments does not accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the contents of third parties websites information or their use.
All rights reserved. The layout, graphics, images, texts and other contents on our website are protected by copyright law. The contents of our website shall not be copied, disseminated, altered, used or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Our website does not grant, neither express nor implied, any use rights, e.g. licenses, to industrial property rights or copyrights contained in or offered by our website.